MA. EP "Social Technology"

Common charasteristics of Educational Program MA Social Technology

Speciality 054 «Sociology»
Educational program «Social Technology»
Type of program:  scientific-educational
Degree: «M.A. Sociology»
Semesters:     4
ECTS:    120
Language: ukrainian, english

Knowledge branch: 05 Social and behavioral sciences
Field of study: 054 Sociology
Program of study: Sociаl Technologies
Program ID: 1763
Level of higher education: 2nd (master)
Higher education degree: master
Degree title: Master of Sociology
QF EHEA cycle of higher education: 2nd
Level in the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine: 7th
Level in the EQF-LLL: 7th
Accreditation: Certificate of accreditation НД-ІV №1156351 of February 12, 2013
Program type: academic
Form of enrolment: full-time
Language of instruction: Ukrainian, English
Duration of study: 2 years
Prerequisites: bachelor degree diploma or specialist diploma
Eligibility: Ukrainian and foreign citizens
Sources of tuition coverage: government funding or private funds of students/td>
Tuition per year: ≈ 49 400 UAH (≈ 1 850 USD)*

* Tuition fee is revised annually. Up-to-date amount is published after the 1st of July of each year and remains fixed until graduation of each student

Program curator: Dr. Olha Bezrukova