Master Degree Academic program "Sociology"

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Master’s degree study program “Sociology (with English language of instruction)” is intended for foreign students and provides in-depth acquisition of fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in designing and conducting sociological research, teaching sociology at universities and takes into account contemporary requirements for combining theory and practice in sociology. This is achieved through internships in leading research companies and teaching apprenticeship. The program is aimed at forming specialists with a sociological way of thinking and imagination, able not only to use the acquired knowledge, but also to generate new knowledge on the basis of novel research and to be qualified to teach.

Knowledge branch: 05 Social and behavioral sciences
Field of study: 054 Sociology
Program of study: Sociology (with English language of instruction)
Program ID: 26409
Level of higher education: 2nd (master)
Higher education degree: master
Degree title: Master of Sociology
QF EHEA cycle of higher education: 2nd
Level in the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine: 7th
Level in the EQF-LLL: 7th
Accreditation: Certificate of accreditation НД-ІV №1156351 of February 12, 2013
Program type: academic
Form of enrolment: full-time
Language of instruction: English
Duration of study: 2 years
Prerequisites: bachelor degree diploma in any field of study
Eligibility: foreign citizens
Sources of tuition coverage: private funds of students
Tuition per year: ≈ 76 300 UAH (≈ 2 800 USD)*

* Tuition fee is revised annually. Up-to-date amount is published after the 1st of July of each year and remains fixed until graduation of each student

Program curator: Dr. Taras Tsymbal